All students in grades 6-12

Friends - Games - Snacks - Music - Teaching - Small Groups

Most Monday nights* from 6:30-8:30

WayPoint Church - 12719 134th Ave Nw, Gig Harbor, WA, 98329**
More Info
For closures and days off, WayPoint Youth group follows the Peninsula School District. This includes Holidays and other closures like snow days. Here is a list of days or breaks during the 22-23 school year that we will not have youth group:
February 20 - Mid-Winter Break
April 10 - Spring Break
May 29 - Memorial Day
June 19 - Juneteenth
June 26 - LIFT @ Sound View Camp
Click or tap the map below for directions to WayPoint Church:
February 20 - Mid-Winter Break
April 10 - Spring Break
May 29 - Memorial Day
June 19 - Juneteenth
June 26 - LIFT @ Sound View Camp
Click or tap the map below for directions to WayPoint Church: